Reduce Your Stress

Everyone feels stress now and then, and even when you don’t acknowledge it consciously, your body may be feeling it subconsciously. In these modern times daily events are happening at warp speed, and we seem to find more and more activities to pack into our days. Don’t despair!

Researchers have come up with some simple suggestions that can be incorporated into our everyday lives. For example, take a joy break! Research shows that when we become extremely busy we are more inclined to cut out the fun in our lives. However, it has been shown that by taking a quick break to enjoy a leisure activity you can lower your blood pressure and decrease cortisol scores. It even makes you more resilient when facing stress in your everyday life.

So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, try some of these helpful tips courtesy of And if you’re not, try them anyway and see what improvements you feel (you may be surprised!).

Image courtesy of pat138241/